Jeju’s Rescue Story


As the name Jeju commonly suggests, travel is well liked, Jeju will be fulfilling this desire within the next couple weeks to make her journey to the beautiful USA! Change is also appreciated, would you like to help Jeju achieve that wish, and make her dreams a reality?


Jeju is a beautiful pup with an even more beautiful soul. She has a heart of gold and is known to “be kind to everyone.” Jeju has currently resided with a foster family,  where her sister has now been adopted. She is learning to go potty on pee pads and is now about 70% potty trained! She is walking well on a leash and loves toys and treats. She is also playing well cats, dogs and mini humans! Jeju will make a wonderful new family member to anyone who can love her as much as she loves. She deserves the love her sister has found. 3 words that have been used to describe her have been BEAUTIFUL, SWEET & HEALTHY! What more could you ask for!?


Helllllllllllo! My name is Jeju! I am a five month old pup from South Korea. Korea is not a good place to be born as a dog, Let me tell you! In a city where unfortunately this type of action has become a norm, as pups like myself are hard to raise in such rurally located areas. My sister and I were left abandoned on the side of the mean streets of Korea, where many cars travel at dangerous speeds. At the mercy of the meat market men we were fortunately, not injured. We were rescued by a nice human who brought us to Seonae Du at Last Chance for Korean Dogs, for proper vet care. I am a mixed breed, most likely a Jindo Mix, as most Korean born pups here are. I hear that I am cute, A LOT. I’m assuming that’s a good thing :)


Arrival Date: October 15th 2017

Rescue Partner: Seonae Du & Leslie Gimarese

Age and Weight: 5 months & 16lbs