CDC Update/Appeal

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Yesterday we received the devastating news that affects the entire international rescue community. The CDC has banned the importation of dogs from 113 countries including Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Armenia, and Thailand starting July 14th for an entire year or even … Continued

Donation Drive – Indian Street Dogs

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Jyoti Chawla our Board Member and Indian Rescue Partner is here visiting for the holidays. She will be making the rounds visiting adopted dogs and participating in person for our year end Board Meeting. We are kicking off a donation … Continued

ISDF Play Date – Sat. Sept 21

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The long anticipated opening of the Waukegan Savannah Dog Park is September 13, 2019. We thought it would be a great opportunity to have a mini ISDF reunion. We will be bringing some of our current fosters that are looking … Continued

Indian Street Dog in need of yours support

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Lucky street rescued dogs are flying soon…… They are rescued from the street of India (Delhi) and they have been waiting since months for our forever home. Unfortunately they couldn’t find their home in own country. Luckily Dawn Trimmel accepted … Continued

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