The Sniff Walk – TRY IT TODAY

posted in: General Training, Training | 0

TRY THIS TODAY! SERIOUSLY! The positive impact on your dog’s reactivity on its walk is striking. The American College of Veterinary Behaviorists call it a ‘SNIFF WALK.’ You just leave the house on your walk as usual, but after a … Continued

The Basics – Walking your dog

posted in: General Training, Training | 0

Walking your dog.   Here are a few of many, many easy to understand, on-line resources. Search for others if you want to learn more, but stay away from negative reinforcement techniques and equipment such as shock collars, choke chains, … Continued

Doggy Don’t Run!

posted in: General Training, Resources | 0

It is important to take extreme safety measures to ensure your new dog doesn’t escape as their flight risk is extremely high in the initial days prior to the bonding happening.  Despite your best efforts it can and does happen.  It … Continued

Using time-outs effectively

posted in: General Training | 0

The “time-out” is a useful tool for eliminating many unwanted behaviors in dogs. Repeatedly interrupting an unwanted behavior and immediately giving your dog some time alone can rapidly decrease the frequency of that behavior.   To learn more about how to … Continued

Crate Training

posted in: General Training, Resources | 0

Need help crate training? Crate training can be a very effective method to integrate a dog into your house. It can help lessen anxiety by having their own “den” and safe place to call their own. It can be an … Continued