Thank you for supporting the International Street Dog Foundation. Your contribution is appreciated by the dozens of dogs we have helped and will help in the future.

ISDF is a registered 501(c)3 organization therefore your donation may be 100% tax-deductible.

In addition to donating, consider asking your employer about matching programs and auto-donations with paychecks.

The vast majority of donations go towards dog transportation (airfare) and veterinary expenses, followed by pet supplies (foster care costs) and general administrative costs (postage, legal fees, bank fees, office supplies, business cards, banners, brochures).

We have no paid employees.

100% of your donation goes to serving street dogs in need.

To make a one-time donation, click the button below.

To make a recurring donation, please select “monthly” or “yearly” and enter your preferred amount. Thank you for supporting street dogs around the world!

Enter Your Donation Amount
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How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment)