Just as Cara was about to be checked in at the airport in Muscat, Oman to fly to Chicago, her rescuer Nada al Moosa decided that Cara was already home! I wasn’t too surprised, because Nada’s deep love for this beautiful wadi girl was clearly apparent.

Usually when the “Happy Tail” photo is taken of adopters with their new dogs, they hold our ISDF sign, “I Saved a Life!” If Nada held a similar sign, the number of lives she’s saved would be too big to fit. Countless.

So congratulations to Nada and Cara—sometimes the happy endings with a twist are the ones most meant to be!



My name is Cara. I’m a wadi dog from Oman, sweet and on the shy side, somewhere around 7 months old. When I was just a young puppy, my brother and I were dropped off at a veterinary clinic for neutering. After our surgeries, no one came to pick us up. Since we were lowly, local dogs, the clinic released us at a wadi (one of the narrow valleys with natural water sources that cut through Oman’s mountainous landscape).

Days later, Omani Paws volunteers found us at the wadi, both very skinny and dehydrated, and saw that we each had a notched ear indicating prior sterilization. Since we were in obvious bad shape, our volunteer rescuers took us back to the vet where they were given our story. I was saved in the nick of time, but it was too late for my brother, and he soon died. Nada brought me home and nursed me back to health, and I’ve been looking for a permanent home ever since.

My foster mom Nada says I have lovely manners and  that I’m progressing well with leash and potty training. I’m an excellent cuddler and a playful pup; I get along great with Nada’s other fosters and her many resident cats and dogs. I am a sleek, beautiful girl, and will probably only weigh about 30 pounds when I’m fully grown. I have classic pointed wadi dog ears, a charming collection of spots down my back, and lovely vanilla-and-butterscotch coloring. Nada had a hard time getting a photo of my curled tail—it’s usually wagging if she’s giving me any attention! When she looks into my dark, soft eyes, where she once saw fear and hunger, she now sees only hope and love.

My rescuer Nada says I deserve a very special adopter—patient and sensitive—and would flourish in a calm home. I’m a low-maintenance girl, so sweet and gentle with younger puppies and cats, but I can be easily startled by new things. Hopefully my new person or people will share lots of photos and stories from my new life, and keep the refrigerator stocked with yogurt (my favorite treat). When I fly to America, a piece of Nada’s heart will be with me.


Our rescue partner, Omani Paws, is a group of passionate volunteers working together to improve the lot of street dogs and cats in Oman, and by adopting through ISDF, you can help them fulfill their mission. The wadi dogs we have placed so far have proven to be excellent family dogs; they are social, athletic, intelligent, and very loving towards adults and children alike. Some of these puppies are currently being fostered in households with cats, too.

If you are interested in adopting CARA, please contact Dawn Trimmel at info@istreetdog.com. You can also find our adoption application here. Your application must be approved before scheduling a meet and greet.

  • Hometown Muscat, Oman
  • Rescue Partner Nada al Moosa, Omani Paws
  • Sex/Age/estimated Adult Weight Spayed female, 7-8 mos, 30 lbs
  • Arrival Date June 16, 2018