GREAT NEWS…. Cherry and Jopai are HOME. Cherry was rescued from the streets of India and Jopai from the streets of Oman. Different countries but best friends.
This weekend their dreams came true as they were adopted into the same home ❤️
?. They are now part of a true family including 2 feline siblings. Rachel Williams of North Riverside IL adopted the girls. She came for Jopai but when she saw how attached Cherry and Jopai were she couldn’t bear to leave without both of them!
Both girls are very well behaved and love to play together. Now they will have a lifetime of happiness together. Rachel’s house will be filled with much love and fun times.
Thank you to Jyoti Chawla of Paws for a Cause for rescuing Cherry and making this possible. Thank you to Denise Boyd for rescuing Jopai and even taking her to training classes in Oman to help ensure her adoption success. Such dedication and love for the dogs.
You too can save a life.
Pre-Adoption Post
OAR-roo-roo-roo! Let me introduce myself, I’m Jopai an Omani wadi dog, slender and beautiful, and good-natured too! I am flying halfway across the globe to Chicago in just a few days to find my forever family—I’m getting so excited!
My life started out warm and fuzzy with my mom and siblings, until the day a man took me away from my family and brought me a vet’s office in Muscat. The man said he would return the next day, but the next day came and went, and I never saw the man or my family again. The nice people at the vet’s took pity on me since I was such a lovely, easy-going girl and let me stay while they searched for a home. Would you believe I spent 14 months there? Although they fed me good food and took me for walks when they could, I spent most of my time kenneled and it was a pretty lonely existence.
My fortune changed when 3 wonderful ladies met me and determined that I was long overdue for a forever home. They decided to send me all the way to the United States, where they knew a family was waiting! They even found a human flight volunteer to be my chaperone for my upcoming trip.
My benefactors have been polishing my manners in preparation for my new life, and I’ve been working sooooo hard on my obedience training just to make sure my new family will be proud of me. Luckily for me, one of my rescuers is a trainer at the Jebel K9 Training Center, so I’ve had a great coach! I’m excellent on-leash, and I’ve mastered many basic commands. Also, I love food (in fact, I love food so much I’ve been known to counter-surf!), so I’m easily motivated and fun to train. I have the exuberance and energy of the young dog that I am, so I’ll need regular exercise and appreciate attention. My best quality is my huge heart; once I meet my new family, I’m certain it will swell with love and become even bigger!
Oman is an Arab country in the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It has wonderful national treasures, vivid landscapes… and thousands of “wadi”–or street–dogs. These wadi dogs can be seen virtually everywhere. Unfortunately, they face the same plight as dogs in many Muslim countries where they are generally viewed as unclean and not fit to be pets. Dog ownership in Oman is rare, and when they are owned, dogs are usually not allowed in the house. Pets are viewed more commonly as guard dogs who roam the outside vicinity of the property. The government doesn’t have humane animal welfare laws, and police have open rights to shoot “any and all” street dogs. There is no requirement that the dogs have to be a nuisance or sick; rather, they will be killed just for having the unfortunate luck of being born on the streets in Oman. And if a gunshot does not kill them, street dogs die of disease, starvation, abuse by people, vehicles, or Oman’s extreme weather conditions where summer temperatures frequently soar to 120 degrees. Most Omani street dogs do not survive beyond the age of three.
If you are interested in adopting please fill out an adoption application and contact Dawn Trimmel at 414-426-4148.