GREAT NEWS… Macha is HOME. Macha was born on the streets of New Delhi, India and yesterday she joined the loving home of Kathleen and Rich Burger of Lombard, IL.

A sweeter and more deserving dog could not be found. The Burgers couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome her to their home.

If not for Patricia Sueur and Premlata Choudharyshe would have most likely died a slow and painful death after being hit by a car. Patricia got her the medical treatment she needed and nursed her back to health and provided her with much needed LOVE.

Now she will receive LOTS OF LOVE all the time from her new family. She will be safe and cherished from here on out.

You too can save a life.

#ISavedaLife #ISDF #PetFly #DesiDogsRock

Pre-Adoption Rescue Story

Hello, Americans! My name is Macha and I am ready to be your friend for life, loving and true! I’ve traveled a rocky road from my birth in a car park in India to my arrival here in Chicago, and am sooooo ready to settle in to a wonderful and safe life off the streets with you.

Back before I can remember, some kind people discovered my mother Ella with a litter of tiny puppies, in a car park in Gurgaon, India, not too far from New Delhi. These human friends brought my mother food and kept her safe as best as they could. In early May, one of the people, Patricia, brought me, Macha, and my sisters Douchka and Lola to her apartment where she had a nice terrace for us to play and rest. She took us to the vet, where we were spayed, and successfully treated for skin infections. The three of us are special girls, each with our own distinctive beauty and lovely temperaments.

On June 25, when we were all healthy and full recovered, we were returned to the car park, joining our mother Ella. Even though we were being reunited as a street dog family, it was sad, hard day for Patricia, who had tried her best, without luck, to find us adoptive homes. Our friends continued to visit us to bring us food and make sure we were ok. Unfortunately, even with our guardian angels watching over us, I was hit by a car and left to suffer, like so many street dogs living amidst cars and careless drivers. When Patricia found me on October 1, I wasn’t using my back leg. It was very swollen and hurt so much! Patricia immediately took me to the vet, and the xray showed I had a bad fracture, so she brought me back to her house for treatment and recuperation. My sisters were sad to see me go.

Patricia tells me that I am one of the sweetest dogs she has ever fostered, quiet and agreeable. My beguiling golden eyes, soft flop ears, and adorable facial markings will melt your heart. I love sleeping in the kitchen and playing in the garden with my other rescued friends. I’m potty trained and good on a leash. My leg fracture is healed, but I will probably always have a bit of a limp. Since I’ve been away from my territory for over 3 months, Patricia was worried that I wouldn’t be accepted by the other resident dogs; moreover, since I am such a loving girl, she says I deserve my own family and home. Now that I have flown to America to find my forever people, Patricia will have room to bring my sisters Douchka and Lola back in off the street. My biggest dream is for each of us to be safe and loved, for the rest of our lives.

Desi (day-see) —or Indian— Dogs live on the city and village streets of India.  There are an estimated 260,000 street dogs just in the capital, New Delhi.  Also called Indian Native Dogs or Pariah Dogs, these incredible animals are intelligent, good-looking, athletic, and full of character!  In India, the dogs face extreme temperatures (damp, chilly winters and 115-degree summers), cars and other fast vehicles, disease, monsoons, and violence from people, as well as other street dogs.  Some “community dogs” are sterilized, vaccinated, and fed by wonderful volunteers, while most street dogs experience indifferent cultural attitudes and survive on their own efforts and luck.  Litters of pups are often drowned, buried alive, stoned, or removed from their mothers.  Most citizens do not know about dog sterilization and vaccination, and if they do, many cite religious beliefs against spaying/neutering.  In the cities, there is major cultural interest in the “superiority” of “purebreeds.”  Unfortunately, even the labs, pugs, Dobermans, St. Bernards, boxers, and German Shepherds are frequently abandoned as many families do not have the funds, space, and knowledge about responsible long-term dog ownership.  In recent years, compassion and interest towards the native street dogs is slowly, slowly developing, but there are not nearly enough potential adopters to welcome the huge number of rescued street dogs.


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If you are interested in adopting MACHA, please contact Dawn Trimmel at You can also find our adoption application here.

  • Hometown Gurgaon, India
  • Rescuers Patricia Sueur and Dr. Premlata Choudhary
  • Gender/Age/Weight Female, 1.5 years, 44 pounds
  • Arrival Date Late February, 2018