Greetings! Woof! My name is Minshik and I am a one year old male poodle mix rescue from S. Korea.

Here is my story:

I was rescued from a shelter in Korea before my first birthday.

I had a loving family and lived happily and one day we went out for a walk. My dad took me to a park and told me to stay and I did as I am a good boy.  Suddenly dad let go of the leash and started walking away and kept yelling at me to stay. I love my dad so I did what he told me to and no matter how long I waited, he didn’t come back.  Dad must have gotten lost so I wanted to find him and started roaming the street.  Months had passed looking for him and while living in the streets, I hurt one of my legs and couldn’t move around well.  I was beginning to get very hungry one rainy day and then some men came and took me to a city shelter.  I was no longer wet or hungry but kept in a small cage and nobody wanted to adopt me.  I was so scared they were going to euthanize me but very luckily, some very kind people from Last Chance for Korean Dogs (LCKD) came and took me out of the cage and started treating my leg and giving me medicine.  After my leg healed, I went to my lovely foster home and have been waiting for someone to adopt me since then.  I am a bit scared of people and other dogs as I don’t want to be hurt again like my first owner did to me.  If you get to know me, I really do like people and playing with my friends. I also like to play by myself, especially soft and cuddly toys.  I am actually a little submissive and am very gentle.  With enough positive associations I hope to regain my trusting nature.

My foster parents say that I will do good in any home I go to. I will leave next week to go to the U.S to find my family soon.  I can’t believe my good fortune!  I have waited a long time to find my happiness.  I have waited a long time for YOU!

Please consider me to be part of your family and I promise that I will love you forever!

I will be arriving into Chicago from S Korea on December 1, 2018.


South Korea has widespread dog meat farming, and approximately 2.5 million dogs are slaughtered and eaten each year as part of Asia’s dog meat trade (DMT). Unregulated “farms” house anywhere from several dozen to 1,000 dogs, crowded into raised wire cages, with no veterinary care, and abysmal sanitation. The brutal torture of dogs as they are slaughtered, in sight of the other dogs, is falsely believed to increase adrenaline in the meat, promoting increased health and virility when consumed.

As loving family members, these rescued South Korean puppies will grow up to be ambassadors of the global effort to end the DMT. South Korea is facing mounting pressure to end dog farming as the 2018 Winter Olympic Games approach, and international NGOs are using financial incentives and education to buy out farmers or facilitate the transition to fruit and vegetable crops. Dog meat is less popular among younger Koreans, and more dogs are being kept as pets, but few South Koreans want medium to large mixed-breed dogs. International adoption is a crucial step towards ending the DMT in South Korea and saving these wonderful dogs.

If you are interested in adopting Minshik, please contact Dawn Trimmel at You can also find our adoption application here.

  • AGE 1 Year
  • Weight 15 pounds
  • MALE
  • Rescuer Last Chance for Korean Dogs