GREAT NEWS …. Molly is HOME!! Molly was rescued from the streets of New Delhi, India. Last week she joined Elizabeth and Jeff Plecha of Chicago IL. She now has an adorable human sister named CoCo and a sweet K-9 sibling named Sahara.

Thank you to all who have helped Molly on her journey. Especially Aarti Bhardwaj for rescuing and caring for Molly in India, Isobel Grant for funding her journey and Premlata Choudhary for vetting and arranging airport logistics.

Molly fit in perfectly with their family and is eating up all the love and attention. She found her destiny.

You too can save a life.

#ISDF #ISavedaLife #Petfly #DesidogsRock

Hello, nice person! My name is Molly. I’m an adorable Desi Dog puppy from New Delhi, five months old and full of promise, and I’m hoping you’ll bring me home with you this spring. I’ve been learning about the good things in life, but it’s still hard to believe, that I’ll soon be up in the air, flying to America, land of my family to be!

My outlook hasn’t always been sunny. The first things I remember are hunger, fear, loneliness, and pain. When I was only 2 months old, an animal advocate named Nandita found me cowering under a car. I had lost my family and since then, I’d had hardly anything to eat. I was so uncomfortable from a severe case of malnourishment-related mange, that it hurt to move and was hard to sleep. I also had a small, but painful, wound on my back. For 3 days, Nandita tried to coax me out to treat my wound, but I was too scared to come out from under the car.

Nandita saw me growing weaker and weaker, and and knew I couldn’t survive much longer without help, so she had her friend Aarti come catch me. I wish I had let them catch me sooner! Aarti, hero to countless street dogs, brought me to her medical boarding facility, Happy Paws. She was able to heal my wound, and soothe my reddened skin, and I’ve been getting plenty to eat. I had been through much trauma in my young life, and was afraid to trust anyone, but Aarti and her helpers were so loving and gentle that my true, sweet nature began to come out.

Over the past three months I’ve gained confidence to go with the lovely coat I’m growing. My talents are increasingly apparent—cute head tilts are my speciality, and I can rock a t-shirt like no puppy’s business. I still get worried in new situations, but after introductions, I’m comfortable and friendly with humans, and I like to play with the other dogs at Happy Paws. With patience and understanding, I will blossom into a beautiful dog, and become the dear heart of your home.


Desi (day-see) dogs live on the city and village streets of India, with an estimated 400,000 in the capital Delhi, alone. Also called Indian Native Dogs or Pariah Dogs, these dogs have changed little over many hundreds of years. Desi dogs are highly intelligent, alert, good-looking, athletic, and full of character. Many urban Desi dogs have recent European breed ancestry too, along with sighthound sleekness and speed.

With the extreme weather (damp, chilly winters, 115-degree summers, and monsoons), dangerous traffic, disease, human violence, and attacks from other dogs, most Desi puppies never make it to adulthood. Lack of awareness and cultural opposition to spaying and neutering continues the cycle of suffering. While most street dogs experience indifference at best, some neighbors and business owners look after their “community dogs.” Dedicated volunteer animal advocates and  NGOs feed and provide veterinary care to as many dogs as they can in the face of overwhelming need. Few Indians see Desi dogs as suitable pets, however, opting instead for expensive and ill-suited European purebred dogs. It’s a great irony that more resilient and regal-looking native Indian dogs often have to travel internationally to find loving homes. Most of the Desi dogs that ISDF places could not survive on Indian streets due to early orphaning or injury, or have been rescued from especially threatening situations.


If you are interested in adopting MOLLY, please contact Dawn Trimmel at You can also find our adoption application here. Your application must be approved before scheduling a meet and greet.

  • Hometown New Delhi, India
  • Rescuers Dr. Premlata Choudhary
  • Sex/Age/Estimated Adult Weight Spayed female, 5 months, 40-45 lbs
  • Arrival Date April 26, 2018