Neva was rescued from the streets of New Delhi, India after being hit by a car at just a couple weeks old.

Today she joined Stephanie Bargender and Amy of Vesper, WI. Stephanie adopted Lucy from ISDF approximately 3 years ago – another former street dog from New Delhi. Lucy needed a K-9 sibling – now she has a playmate. Fun filled days ahead!!

Thank you to Patricia for rescuing this sweet girl and fostering in New Delhi. Thank you to Premlata Choudhary for providing vet care and arranging the flight logistics. As always it’s through the efforts of many that these miracles are possible.

You too can save a life.

#ISDF #ISavedALife #PetFly.


Pre-Adoption Rescue Story

Hi – My name is NEVA and I was born on the streets of New Delhi, India.   My name means “River” in Russian which is very fitting because so far my short life has taken down a flowing river – fate twisting and turning.  I have one sister (the same but bigger) and one brother (the white one). My bad luck luck was to meet a stupid driver the evening before my rescuer Patricia saved me.  There was blood on my nose when Patricia found me and so she took me to the vet urgently.  I was in pain, didn’t feel like eating and was not playful like I normally am.  Luckily after a thorough examination and X-Rays my only injury was a slight upper jaw fracture.  I know it could have been much worse as most puppies in New Delhi meet a gruesome death by being hit by cars in the busy streets.

Patricia took me to her home after the vets and that’s when life got really good.  I soon recovered to full health and flourished in my new environment.  I had a best friend named Madison and other foster dogs to play with.  I even became good friends with a cat named Nooka!  I have been separated from my family but she has aunties with our 4 rescued female stray dogs, and he has a good friend, Nooka, the kitty who doesn’t use her bag legs She’s now very playfull with her I found a new family and partners in crime….) I have been learning new tricks and commands and my foster mom says that I am very smart and pick up on thing very quickly.  My current weight is just 11 pounds and I am just over 3 months.

My foster mom Patricia says I am an angel because I love to cuddle, I am smart and a very good student.  As much as I love it here I can’t stay as Patricia needs to make room for more dogs in need so I will travel to Chicago on January 29th in hopes of finding a permanent family there.  I desperately want this and promise to give you unconditional love if you welcome me into your home.  I will do good with DOGS and CATS.  Could you be the family I am destined to be with?

If you are interested in adopting Neva, please contact Dawn Trimmel at You can also find our adoption application here.

  • Hometown New Delhi, India
  • FEMALE - NOT SPAYED 3 months
  • Estimated Weight when full grown 35-45 pounds
  • Rescue Partner Premlata Choudhary