Great News Otto went into a foster to adopt with Ann Marie Santowski  and her daughter Amanda of Long Grove, IL.  Their 2 family dogs passed away in the last couple years and the family felt it was time to bring another dog into their home and wanted to be able to help a dog in need.  When Anne Marie and Amanda met Otto he was so happy as if he “knew” – there is truth to the old saying “Dogs choose their humans”.  Otto was clearly saying “Take me home.  I am so happy to have finally found you!”

Otto was rescued from a town in Turkey called Izmir.

Otto and Pepper were street dogs in Izmir when they fell into the hands of an evil man.

His neighbors contacted animal rescue groups via Facebook after observing how badly he treated the two dogs. We contacted volunteers to go and check on these poor souls. They found Otto and Pepper in horrific condition. They were tied to a tree night and day in all kinds of weather. The few scraps they were given were hardly enough to survive on.

Otto was severely beaten with a stick, causing injuries to his head that resulted in him being half blind and almost deaf.

The rescue group had to go through a lot of obstacles to get these dogs out of this horrible situation but they knew they HAD TO, Otto and Pepper’s lives depended on it.

Otto was taken to the vet to operate on his eye. Both dogs are now safe and look forward to finding their forever homes in Chicago.  They arrived into Chicago on January 25th from Istanbul.

The dog situation in Turkey is horrendous beyond belief. There are no laws preventing the abuse of animals. Animal lovers and volunteers do all they can do to save, help and re-home these abused creatures. Nonetheless, many stray dogs continue to get hurt or die on the streets due to people, cars, starvation, illness and a host of other issues. These dogs’ lives are more often than not miserable beyond imagination.

Otto is two years old, loves to play and to run. Ok with cats, very sweet, loves people. Enjoys walks. Despite all he has been through Otto is a very sweet and trusting boy.  He has waited a long time to find a loving family and has no idea the great joys to come.  Could you be the family he has been waiting for?  He is being fostered in Wadsworth, IL and is such a wonderful house guest.  He is very low maintenance and super loving.

If so please contact Dawn Trimmel at  You can find our adoption application here.  Note: you must be approved for adoption prior to scheduling a “meet and greet”.