CDC Update/Appeal

CDC Update/Appeal

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Yesterday we received the devastating news that affects the entire international rescue community. The CDC has banned the importation of dogs from 113 countries including Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Armenia, and Thailand starting July 14th for an entire year or even longer.  ISDF and the majority of other rescue organizations have always operated by all the regulations, but will not be able to bring in any dogs from these areas.

This news is heartbreaking and tragic because dogs in these countries already have so little hope to survive. Now thousands of innocent dogs will die, while they wait for the ban to be lifted.

We can assure you that the International Street Dog Foundation has always followed all USDA and CDC protocols including vaccinating dogs for rabies at least 30 days before travel and we have never had one case of rabies.

We will not give up and the international rescue community will continue to fight to advocate for the voiceless animals in these countries.

Our rescue partners are scrambling to get as many dogs here as possible before the July 14th deadline. These dogs have been in foster overseas for months and are ready to travel.  We are able to fly dogs into Chicago. If you are able to take even one dog temporarily and save a life, please apply to foster at  This is really a matter of life or death.

We thank you all for supporting our mission and helping us save dogs.

With heavy hearts,

Dawn M. Trimmel, Founder ISDF

One Response

  1. LeAnn Baker

    Is it possible to import these dogs to another country that isn’t on the list and then bring them to the U.S.? Just thinking outside the box to save all these innocent babies who will suffer because of the ban. I will continue to pray!

    LeAnn Baker