More training = better behaved and happier dog

More training = better behaved and happier dog

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It’s a simple equation. Most dogs capabilities are largely untapped. Why? Because most owners don’t spend enough time training their dogs. I have a simple rule at my house. No dog gets a treat without earning it as every treat you give is an opportunity to train. And I give a lot of treats out during the course of the day. In fact, I wear a fanny pack so I am always ready to reward real time for good behavior.

You can incorporate it into your daily routine without adding a lot of time to your schedule. They are after all our best friends and loyal companions. I think we could all spare 10-20 minutes a day to ensure their minds are sharp and they view us as their leader. Dogs are smart – especially street dogs and they want to please us however, they need us to invest the time so that they know the rules of the household. Most dogs want a job to do and love to “work” for their treats or pets.

Just like humans dogs need to keep their minds sharp and they enjoy having new puzzles to solve and commands to master. Here is a great article from Rover on 21 simple dog commands that are easy and FUN to incorporate.