2015 A Look Back

2015 A Look Back

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2015 has been a  year filled with much hope and happiness with 52 successful adoptions.  We saw many dogs go from living a life of despair with little hope for a better future go on to “find their place” and flourish in loving homes.

Unfortunately, in many countries outside the US, street dogs are a way of life, and millions of these dogs suffer from abuse, hardship, and neglect.  Although these street dogs are often among the heathiest, smartest, and loving creatures who would make excellent pets they are viewed instead as a nuisance by the locals and not fit for adoption.  Even the lucky ones that get adopted locally are often discarded back to the street once the novelty has worn off.  The ones that are lucky to stay in homes sometimes are treated no better than an outdoor guard dog, never taken to the vet, left to wonder the streets, with occasional food provided to them.  Unfortunately the concept of pet ownership is much different than it is in the US in many countries such as Malaysia, India, and Thailand.  Often times the only hope for a happy fulfilled life is through overseas adoption.  Although, it is only the lucky few that win the lottery to come to the US to find their homes, we believe that each life counts.  We also believe that through overseas adoption awareness is raised as these wonderful dogs stories get told over and over again.  It is through awareness that change is born and we see signs of hope in these countries through grass roots efforts by many locals to better the lives of street dogs in their country.  Through international pressure and the power of social media, positive change is happening in many countries.

There are reasons to be optimistic and many good Samaritans working hard in these countries to better the lives of street dogs.  While there is a long way to go there is hope for a better future.  Thank you for helping transform the lives of many dogs this year.  Saving one dog will not change the world, however for that one dog the world is forever changed.