S. Korean Dog Meat Trade Rescues Come to Chicago to Find Homes

S. Korean Dog Meat Trade Rescues Come to Chicago to Find Homes

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The S. Korean dog meat trade has flourished in S. Korea – despite S. Korea having a very robust economy and high standard of living.  This barbaric practice brutally kills dogs for human consumption…. yes dogs are beat, hung and skinned alive in a false belief that the more pain and adrenaline coursing through the dogs veins at time of death produces the best meat… most tender and containing the most medicinal benefits.  Insane for a supposedly civilized culture – however this is what happens.  These poor dogs are contained in cages and raised on farms where their feet often never know the pleasure of touching the ground and soft feeling of grass under their feet.  The cages are not properly cleaned and they are kept in fetid conditions.  Too horrible to even imagine for most westerners.  10 of these lucky survivors that were spared this barbaric fate have arrived into Chicago to be given a second chance.  Read here to learn more.