A Dog for Christmas

A Dog for Christmas

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A Dog for Christmas

So here we are, another holiday season upon us. So many of us often think of getting a puppy or dog for someone as a present, or adopting a puppy into their family at this time.

While I completely agree with adoption, I strongly urge you to consider the timing and the process.

1- No one should ever “gift” a live animal to another person without their knowledge and consent. According to the ASPCA3.9 million dogs are taken to animal shelters in the U.S. every year, and 20% of them are relinquished because their families don’t have enough time for a pet, or can’t handle behavior issues that come up. If you’re considering the gift of a “Christmas puppy,” you should be as sure as possible that your puppy won’t become part of that 20%. Make sure that the person receiving the dog is aware and has met the dog.  Please don’t surprise them.  The dog and the adopter will thank you!

2- Adopting during the holidays. Consider this:

Holidays are stressful and a lot of time constraints are placed on us all; Family, friends, parties, that are both in our homes or take us away from home. Stress levels for everyone goes up. We all want to add that special family member, but have you thought how this impacts them? How much time do you actually have to acclimate your new family member to your home? How much time do you actually have to settle your new family member into a routine, when through this time your own routine is not normal? How much time do you have to train, housebreak and do all the necessary things?  While bringing your dog home during the holidays can be a very rich and rewarding experience for all you want to make sure you have adequate time to train the dog and get them comfortable with your home.

3.  An great alternative to giving a Christmas pup is to wrap up  a “Puppy starter kit” to put under the tree and when the holidays are over you can all go meet the candidates to add to the family.

ISDF,( Dawn, the fosters, Tom, and JoAnne) will gladly work with anyone adopting this holiday season to set you and your new family member up for success. While we want to see everyone go to a home, we want it to be furever.

Hey, just a reminder, there are free classes for adopters in Chicago or live video! Text Jo or FB Message her (facebook.com/theladywyvern or 773 414 2026)