A testament to the determination and love of a street dog.  Meet Gobi

A testament to the determination and love of a street dog. Meet Gobi

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155 mile marathon across the Gobi Desert and a very determined dog.  He followed a runner, Dion Leonard, the entire way and in doing so stole his heart and ended up forming a bond that led to him joining Dion in the UK.  For those of you who have traveled abroad and had a street dog speak to your heart knows how hard it is to part ways.  So desperate for human attention they will follow you as long as you let them even if it means taking them out of their safety zone into other dog’s territories which can be very unsafe for them.  Many a street dogs have left lasting memories to the tourists that visit their countries and broken hearts when they had to part.  I often receive calls from tourists who fell in love with a dog while abroad.  Here is what I tell them “Where there is a will there is a way.  Take them home and you will never regret it”

To read this touching story please click here.