Forest is a rescue from Thailand who was adopted in February 2014 by Jennifer Christiansen. Jennifer provided this lovely update on Forest which shares his journey, transformation, and ultimately his happy tail.
In the words of Jennifer Christiansen.
“Forest’s story actually starts with another ISDF dog – Cutie. I learned about ISDF from my friend, Jen Lewandowski (Gunner’s mom!). She showed me a picture of the cute little boy her family was going to adopt and in the picture with her was a beautiful girl named Cutie. She stole my heart instantly and within days I began the process of adopting Cutie – my family and I couldn’t wait. Unfortunately it was not meant to be for Cutie to come and be a part of our family. She became ill with distemper and passed away on New Year’s Eve, January 31, 2013, while still in Thailand. The next day I sent a letter to Patarin letting her know that in my heart, I still felt like we were meant to give a home to one of her dogs and if she found one that she felt she we could bring home, please let me know. That afternoon we were introduced to Forest.
Forest arrived in our home the end of February, 2014, and our house has not been the same since. He joined our dog, Jackson, along with our two cats, Tommy and Eva. While there were questions about how Forest would adapt, our worries were in vain. Initially Forest’s favorite thing to do in our house was chase poor Eva but fortunately he has outgrown that. Forest is a sweet, cuddly fellow whose favorite things to do are take naps, snuggle and shake paws. He is not crazy about other dogs and is very protective of his mom and sister. However he loves it when kids come over to play – especially the little ones (they are most likely to share dinner with him). He always enjoys looking at his dad and barking when he want either something to eat, something to drink or to go outside. Sometimes it takes dad a couple of tries to figure out which one he actually wants. For anyone that has seen a picture of Forest – his personality is exactly what you would think from looking at him.