Go, Bobby, go!

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  • Bobby reached his fundraising goal in the nick of time, and even surpassed it a bit!
    He went in for his consultation yesterday morning with Dr. Robbins, and continued on to have the coiling procedure!
    He is doing fabulous so far and may even be released early today since he is eating, drinking, moving around normally, and eager to get home!

THANK YOU to all of our incredible supporters, families, friends – you, our extended ISDF family – make miracles happen.

Go Bobby!
Go Indie!!

Our boys are amazing – and have had every best possible fighting chance – thanks to all of you!!!!!

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** UPDATE **

Tuesday @ midnight

Hello all!

When I spoke with Dr. Robbins at 3:45, he was heading into the recheck CT portogram and Bobby’s procedure, and we both assumed we would be talking again quite soon.
Believe it or not, it was nearly 9 p.m. when he called to let me know Bobby was done and heading to the ICU where he will spend the night, as previously planned.
The doctor was understandably exhausted – but also upbeat and very very hopeful that Bobby’s coiling has every chance at a successful outcome!
To say we are elated would be the understatement of the year!!!!!
However, we continue to welcome good thoughts, prayers, and healing well wishes as Bobby heads into the beginning of the post-procedure period that is considered the most crucial, the first 48 hours.
So far, so good! Just spoke with his overnight nurse and she had only glowing news to report: he has been fine since waking up from the procedure a couple of hours ago; he is eating and taking his meds; he has been moving around fine and even gone out to pee and poop; and his vitals have all been good. Yay! Go, Bobby, go!!
As I spoke to her, he was just nodding off for a nap, poor sweet boy <3

I apologize, as I am behind on both updating our (super successful – thank you, all!!) fundraiser, and we also have not pulled our raffle winners yet. LoveAnimals had a glitch over the weekend and although donors are on the fundraising page’s rolling scroll, the administrators have not yet been able to send me the full names and emails of all donors who gave since April 1.
By tomorrow, they promise I will have that information, so please look for your official tax receipt letters then, as well as our raffle winners!

I also promise to give the full update on Bobby’s day, including the CT and ultrasound findings and his procedure, but I am literally falling asleep on the keyboard, so I am going to get that up ASAP tomorrow. So sorry! But if I try to stay up any longer, the update will just look like “zncadivjsijvoivnv” at this point! 😛

However, the important news is that – we are “so far, so good”!!! And yes, we are tempering our celebrations with caution over the next two days. But still – on the inside – I am sure you, like we, are all SCREAMING with joy, relief, hope for continuing good news, after this very long road to today (and this very long day today, too – phewww).

Hugs and all love going out to Team Bobby tonight, you guys really do ROCK!
Let’s keep blasting Bobby with our love and well wishes, he needs them like crazy for the next 48 hours!!!
And again, full update to come tomorrow, as well as our raffle winners, so please do stay tuned!

Big love to you all, and thank you for your patience during this incredibly and unexpectedly long day…

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** UPDATE **

Tuesday @ noon

Hello, ISDF family!
As you can see, I was as adorable as ever this morning for my consultation with Dr. Robbins at Vet Specialty Center.
Dr. Robbins had a busy morning already by the time I arrived…he had two unexpected emergency surgery cases transferring in from the overnight ER. But he spent lots of time with me, examining me and looking through my records carefully, and looking at my previous imaging disks, and talking to ISDF about me.
I spent the whole appointment working my magic on him, laying at his feet and behaving perfectly, watching him with big brown adoring eyes, and acting like an angel. (Little did he know I was an antsy boy full of silly antics for the previous hour in the waiting room…ha ha ha! Shhh, he doesn’t need to know that. Let’s keep it between us!)
Dr. Robbins is going to review my previous CT portogram and ultrasound with Dr. Gelb, the head of imaging and radiology. They will both update ISDF about me later today, after my procedure.
In the meantime, I am happily getting lots of love here and charming the techs…
Stay tuned for more updates later and please keep your prayer bombs dropping on me from afar – every little bit helps!
Thank you to everyone!!
With love,