India’s Peepal Farm – Helping animals and people lead better lives and reduce their suffering.

India’s Peepal Farm – Helping animals and people lead better lives and reduce their suffering.

posted in: General News, Resources | 2

One of the things I love most about managing the International Street Dog Foundation is all the amazing, selfless people I meet that share my passion – helping animals!

Peepal Farm in India is an organization we have just started partnering with. We currently had Nik and Teresa join us to find loving homes in Chicago. Nik has been adopted and Teresa has an adopter coming this weekend to meet her.

Peepal Farm is one of those organizations who just make you so thankful that people like them exist – a true feel good, humanity inspiring group of people that make you stop in your tracks and reflect on why we are put on this earth. ISDF is certain that this is going to be a life long partnership and that together we will make the world a better place… even if it is one animal at a time.

Peepal Farm is a stray animal rescue, a vegan organic farm, and a low impact farm stay. It is a home they have built in the Himalayan Foothills to accommodate recovering injured stray animals, people who want to do good work, and an organic garden to help promote sustainable healthy choices. That is A LOT and doesn’t do the organization justice. Simply put, it is an organization who cares and wants to leave the world a better place through reducing the human footprint and suffering of animals. I can’t think of a better mission. Please visit their website and learn more about the amazing work they do. They even have rescue videos to illustrate some of their specific cases. Rumor has it Nik will be featured next month. Stay tuned…..

2 Responses

  1. Rachel Crites

    Greetings! I am contacting you on behalf of a friend who is currently in India. She is trying to obtain information about whether it is possible and the logistics Surrounding bringing a Street dog back to the US with her. I’m wondering if somebody from your organization would be willing to speak briefly with me about what is possible on this front. My friend has sought information about this in India, but she would like to double check what is possible through some conversations with folks in the US. She does not want to have a field a transfer of the dog back to the US and cause unnecessary trauna to the animal in the process.

    • Hi Rachel,

      I look forward to talking later today. Do you know what the departure and arrival city for her flight is and what airline she is flying?
