Introducing Your Dog to People. (No touch, no talk, no eye contact!)
Get in the proper state of mind, which means, be calm and assertive, acting like you’re in control of the situation. Your dog reads your body language and can smell your anxiety so don’t make it more nervous than it already is. Also, don’t worry about the barking for now. As your guest approaches, the first words out of your mouth are, “Don’t look at Fido, please–and hi, Bob.” Then explain, “No touch, no talk, no eye contact with the dog, please,” to Bob and carry on a conversation as if the dog isn’t there. This mantra is the key to everything otherwise your guest risks sending signals that he is challenging your dog.
When dogs meet for the first time, they approach each other from the side out of caution and respect. A lot of mutual sniffing follows. That’s your initial goal; letting the dog approach your guest on its own in order to sniff the new person and begin its greeting process, while your guest respects the dog’s space. Maybe it’ll even wag its tail. Only then is it okay for your guest to briefly touch the dog on the underside of its neck, chest or lower back. Touching the top of its head is an unnatural gesture in the dog world, so don’t do it. Let the dog retreat if it chooses.
Treats can really help with first meetings. If your dog doesn’t approach to begin the greeting process, or if it retreats after initial contact, have your guest reveal a treat and toss it close to the dog. Follow this up with two more treats in between, with the last one at the guest’s feet. Hopefully, the dog will take the next treat from your guest’s hand.
*Note: there is evidence that dogs are generally more fearful of men than they are of women. This may have to do with the different smells men and women put out, as a woman’s estrogen is presumably a comforting smell because of its association to a dog’s mother.