ISDF wishes everyone a very happy New Year’s Eve.

ISDF wishes everyone a very happy New Year’s Eve.

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As the new year approaches ISDF wanted to thank all of our adopters and supporters for making 2015 a year filled with many happy adoption tales, stories of lives saved and transformed by the miracle of love and compassion.  None of this would have been possible with out YOU.  ISDF has no paid employees and relies solely on volunteers and donors like you to continue our work.  All of you are true heroes.

Please help us to save more lives in the new year by making a tax deductible donation to ISDF.  There is still time to get the tax deduction for this year.  On behalf, of Dawn, Chuck, Izumi, Paige, and Abby we all thank you for being apart of our mission and helping us to save the lives of street dogs around the world.  Each life matters.