The mother of all six of these puppies is an incredibly intelligent desi dog and has managed to evade all attempts to catch her until very recently, when she was finally trapped and spayed.
Maya, Tara, and Raj were born in early December 2015. ISDF’s dear rescue friend, Mini Seth Kapoor, saw the puppies with mom when they were quite young. She dreamed of rescuing all five, but knew the situation in Delhi made this mere fantasy – so many dogs in need, so few homes for them all. Mini also lacked the funds for overseas travel and adoption at the time, due to her dedicated work helping so many of the Delhi street dogs.
Given the stark reality of her limited situation, she had to instead settle for second best – providing good nutrition to their mother, which would enable her to keep her pups healthy.
Normally, this would have been the end of the story: the puppies would have grown under their mothers care, few would have survived, and those who did would set off for desi lives on their own in a few months. However, when the pups were just 5 weeks old, Mom was hit by a car and unfortunately sustained a broken front leg.
Mom was barely able to fend for herself after the accident, let alone her pups. Without her constant attention, care, and safekeeping, two puppies quickly perished in the street, run over by speeding cars.Mini knew she could not bear it if the remaining three followed their siblings to tragic ends of their own.
Mom is feral, so Mini was unable to pursue veterinary care for her leg. However, she thankfully trusts Mini enough to accept food from her, so Mini began administering pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories in pill form using food to mask the medicine. Mom slowly healed – the bone appears to have calcified and joined satisfactorily, enough for her to put limited weight on it. Though still limping, she will survive this brush with death.
But given the perilous situation of her pups, Mini could not help but take the three surviving babies from the roadside and into her care. Maya, Tara, and Raj (front to back):
They moved to the idyllic farm house of our wonderful ISDF foster family friends, the Hellers. There, the pups have been vaccinated, dewormed, and socialized in preparation for travel to the USA where ISDF will find homes for these sweet little survivors. Thanks to Mini’s heroics and the dedicated fostering and TLC of Sonia Heller and family, all three pups are very attached to people.
Tara is the baby of the three, smallest in size, very affectionate, and always excited to meet new people and dogs. Maya is the confident, sweet, sassy big sister who watches over her siblings, but likes to get her way too. She is also the most vocal of the three, and is not shy about speaking up when the need arises. Raj is the largest of the three siblings, happy to play with others but also content if left by himself to play with the nearest stick or a ball.
Sonia’s farm is a haven for the dogs and these three darlings have been very lucky to enjoy their days there, playing with other rescues who await homes and families to call their own.

But now it is Tara’s, Maya’s, and Raj’s time to shine! They will arrive into Chicago on March 12, with Dawn as their flight volunteer – and we are so very excited to meet them (especially Ayize – LOL)!
If you are interested in adopting Tara, Maya, or Raj, please contact Dawn Trimmel by email at trimmel@usa.net or by phone at 414-426-4148.
4 Responses
Do you know what type of dogs Tara has? I am interested in a smaller dog-maybe not more than 20 pounds.
Hi Lisa,
Tara has been adopted but thank you for the inquiry. Most of our rescues are between 30 and 45 pounds. Ash is a sweet dog – she just arrived from Turkey this week. She has short legs but is probably closer to 30 pounds. Let me know if you’d like to know more.
Dawn Trimmel
Hello. Is Raj still available for foster? I live in Libertyville IL. Prefer a medium to larger dog. Thank you
Susan A
Hi Susan,
Raj has been adopted. I have several lovely rescues looking for homes and available for foster. Have you seen Borhan, Maeve, Isha, and Mini? Please feel free to call me to discuss further.