Paws Rescue Qatar – Introducing a new ISDF Partnership

Paws Rescue Qatar – Introducing a new ISDF Partnership

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ISDF is happy to announce we are starting a new partnership with Paws Rescue Qatar.

The first two arrivals will be touching down at O’hare on January 30, 2019. The two lucky arrivals are Simba and Nala and both are looking for their forever homes. If you are able to contribute to their flight costs it will be much appreciated. They still need $450 to cover the dogs travel cost and any amount will help. The dogs have a flight volunteer so the travel cost is greatly reduced than if they had to fly cargo.

Paws Rescue Qatar is one of just a couple non-profit organisations in the nation dedicated to animal welfare. They help injured and abused strays by treating, rehabilitating and re-homing them, as well as helping abandoned pets. We live in a country that is rich by wealth, but in terms of compassion for animals and animal welfare- not so much. We often see racing, hunting, and fighting dogs discarded at the end of seasons. Often once loved pets are dumped when they are too big to carry in a handbag and are no longer a cute little puppy. Due to the stigma attached to owning pets in the country most of our animals travel overseas. It is very difficult to find good homes for street dogs in Qatar and oversees adoption tends to be their only chance at finding a loving homes and leading fulfilled lives. At present Paws Rescue Qatar has around 100 dogs and 150 cats at their shelter, with more in foster, vet clinics and on the streets. Although they can’t house and “save” them all they do provide food and vet care for many dogs living on the streets. They aim to raise awareness of animal welfare by educating the public on animal welfare and working with the government on TNR programs.