Lucky’s Rescue Story:

My name is Lucky.  I’m a sweet girl from India, and you will be lucky to have me as your family member!  I was born in a slum in New Delhi and separated from my mother and siblings far too early by some children who thought I’d make a cute plaything. They didn’t realize that their “toy” would need feeding and care. Soon the kids grew tired of my crying and discarded me in the street. Fortunately, I was spotted, starving and completely alone, by a wonderful animal advocate who would save me.

I was extremely lucky that this kind woman named Jhoti found me!  I needed someone on my side. My rescuer tried to find a good family for me in India, but no one wanted to adopt me. Then Jhoti posted my story on several adoption pages on Facebook, and our good luck really got rolling. One group offered to foster me and help me get to America, where they say I will find a loving forever family, for sure.

I am absolutely healthy and have been vaccinated and neutered. I have also been dewormed. I’ve been getting crate and leash training and practicing my social skills. Jhoti says I am shy, but very lovable and playful once we get to know each other. I would be a good dog for families with young children or for someone who works from home. I can be a little clingy and afraid to be left alone. I’ve also had difficulty with motion sickness in cars, but this will likely get better once I learn to associate cars with good things. I think I would enjoy having another dog around for company and to build my confidence. It’s important that my adopters be patient and use only positive training methods as I further my education; I am a sweet, cautious dog, and I like to go slow. I have lots of love to offer and wouldn’t miss a chance to make you feel special!

Desi (day-see) —or Indian— Dogs live on the city and village streets of India.  There are an estimated 260,000 street dogs just in the capital, New Delhi.  Also called Indian Native Dogs or Pariah Dogs, these incredible animals are intelligent, good-looking, athletic, and full of character!  In India, the dogs face extreme temperatures (damp, chilly winters and 115-degree summers), cars and other fast vehicles, disease, monsoons, and violence from people, as well as other street dogs.  Some “community dogs” are sterilized, vaccinated, and fed by volunteers, while most street dogs experience indifferent cultural attitudes and survive on their own efforts and luck.  Litters of pups are often drowned, buried alive, stoned, or removed from their mothers.  Most citizens do not know about dog sterilization and vaccination, and if they do, many cite religious beliefs against spaying/neutering.  In the cities, there is major cultural interest in the “superiority” of “purebreeds.”  Unfortunately, the labs, pugs, Dobermans, St. Bernards, boxers, and German Shepherds are frequently abandoned as many families do not have the funds, space, and knowledge about responsible long-term dog ownership.

If you are interested in adopting LUCKY, you can fill out and submit an adoption application here and call Dawn at 414-426-4148. You must be approved for adoption prior to scheduling a meet and greet.

Hometown:   New Delhi, India

Rescuer:  Jyoti Chawla

Estimated Age and Adult Weight: 6-7 months, 30-45 pounds

Arrival Date:  November 17,  2017