GREAT NEWS…. Miss is HOME!! Miss was rescued from the streets of New Delhi, India thanks to Patricia Sueur.

This week Miss joined the family of Vikki Douglas of Chicago, IL. Miss is a beauty queen with the sweetest temperament! ISDF is thrilled to see her join her loving new family.

Vikki instantly knew that Miss was the dog she had been looking for when they met. Miss seemed to KNOW right away too and jumped on couch next to Vikki and curled up. Such a happy union. Wish all Street dogs could experience this and all the joys that come with life as a cherished pet.

You too can save a life.

Pre-Adoption Rescue Story

My name is Miss, just Miss, but it could easily be Miss India or Miss Congeniality, and now that I’ve arrived in Chicago, maybe even Miss America! I am a super-sweet, beautiful young girl, friendly with other dogs, nice people, and cats alike, and I’m looking for a home that’s a match with me! You will fall in love with my soft, silky coat and my gentle, dark-golden eyes. My rescuer Patricia did, and she made a commitment to find me a wonderful home.

Patricia found me on the street in Gurgaon, India, a city near New Delhi. I was skinny and scared, and clearly out of place. Patricia brought me home, and with care, my health returned. I already had a head start on house manners when she took me in, so I must have had a home before. I never tried to get up on the sofa or jump up on Patricia, and soon I was fully potty trained and able to walk well on a leash.

My uncommon spirit and has filled Patricia with astonishment and joy. She spent many hours watching me act like a natural mother to fostered puppies and kitties, patiently playing with them ever so tenderly while protecting them from harm (scroll down for videos of me with my dear paraplegic cat-friend, Nooka, and puppies Oops and Neva). In turn, Patricia was patient with me as I faced my biggest challenge, learning to ride in a car without extreme nervousness or getting sick. I’m proud to say that we’ve made great progress together, and I now have added confidence along with my kindness, beauty, and smarts. I promise with all of my heart that I won’t let you down either. Please come take a look, and fall in love with me.

HOMETOWN: Gurgaon, India

RESCUERS: Patricia Sueur and Dr. Premlata Choudhary

GENDER/AGE/WEIGHT: Spayed female, 2 yrs, 37lbs

ARRIVAL DATE:  Late February, 2018

If you are interested in adopting MISS, please contact Dawn Trimmel at You can also find our adoption application here.


Desi (day-see) —or Indian— Dogs live on the city and village streets of India. There are an estimated 260,000 street dogs just in the capital, New Delhi. Also called Indian Native Dogs or Pariah Dogs, these incredible animals are intelligent, good-looking, athletic, and full of character! In India, the dogs face extreme temperatures (damp, chilly winters and 115-degree summers), cars and other fast vehicles, disease, monsoons, and violence from people, as well as other street dogs. Some “community dogs” are sterilized, vaccinated, and fed by wonderful volunteers, while most street dogs experience indifferent cultural attitudes and survive on their own efforts and luck. Litters of pups are often drowned, buried alive, stoned, or removed from their mothers. Most citizens do not know about dog sterilization and vaccination, and if they do, many cite religious beliefs against spaying/neutering. In the cities, there is major cultural interest in the “superiority” of “purebreeds.” Unfortunately, even the labs, pugs, Dobermans, St. Bernards, boxers, and German Shepherds are frequently abandoned as many families do not have the funds, space, and knowledge about responsible long-term dog ownership. In recent years, compassion and interest towards the native street dogs is slowly, slowly developing, but there are not nearly enough potential adopters to welcome the huge number of rescued street dogs.