GREAT NEWS….. Syrah is HOME. Syrah was rescued from Tunisia.
Syrah joined Lisa and Jarrod Pagnac of Wonder Lake, IL. She now has two K-9 siblings to play with.
Syrah is the mother of Chianti, Merlot and Shiraz – all in the Chicago area..
😉. Shiraz is the only one still looking for her home.
How Syrah’s fate has changed. It was not too long ago that she was dragged behind the car of her owners in an attempt to kill her because she was pregnant. Now she and her surviving siblings are safe and sound living the good life. Syrah now enjoys her days filled with love and play in safety.
None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for Yasmine and Azza Mallack of Yasmine Azaiez Animal Rescue. Their tireless work and dedication to the animals is a true inspiration.
Most importantly thank you to Jarrod and Lisa for making Syrah’s dreams come true.
You too can save a life
#ISDF #YasmineAzaiezAnimalRescue #ISavedALife#TunisianRescuesRock
2 years old
Syrah’s Rescue Story
Woof! How cute am I?! Well, it’s true… I am totally darling! And, I am a very lucky two
year-old rescued dog from Tunisia. My three wonderful pups – Chianti, Merlot, and Shiraz –
traveled into ISDF’s care a month ago and were adopted! Now, it’s my chance at finding
happiness. You will not believe how close I was to never having it.
In February, the Yasmine Azaiez Animal Rescue group received a panicked phone call
from a compassionate woman. This kind lady was in distress after witnessing a bloody, bruised
dog being dragged across the road by a rope tied to a car. The dog… was me. The woman
managed to stop the brutal, merciless man driving the car. She begged him, “What are you
doing?” He replied in a casual tone that I was pregnant, and he had no use for me; he said that
he was trying to purposefully kill me.
Yes, that’s correct. Absolutely horrifying.
The wonderful lady pleaded with him to allow me to go with her. He agreed. I was
almost dead, yet I understood that this woman gave me an incredible gift of life! She brought
me to the vet. As she had witnessed, the vet confirmed that I was in a dreadful physical state:
covered in cuts, dirt, bruises, and infected wounds. Miraculously, my internal health was stable,
and in March I gave birth to my babies. They were all healthy, beautiful pups, and I was so
I am now spayed and completely healed from my physical wounds. I am such a lovely
dog that any emotional scars from my traumatic experience have faded. Upon a first greeting
with new people and dogs, I am shy, but I warm-up very quickly! I have dream behavior in the
house, and I have a calm temperament. I am great with kids of all ages! I am progressing well
on my leash-training and crate-training. When I am outside, I love to run in open spaces! I
actually have a high energy level, but I respectfully show it in the wide outdoors!
Thank you for opening your heart and home to an international rescue, and I hope to
meet you soon!
In Tunisia, animals – especially dogs – face an enormous lack of respect. Rescuers
have seen disgusting situations and heard about some despicable circumstances. Dogs have
been rescued from dog fighting and combat. They have been rescued from torture and being
chained and roped in the dark without food and water.
You can find our adoption application here. You must be approved for adoption prior to scheduling a meet and greet.