RIP Dear Gilli – you were a special girl who was loved dearly

RIP Dear Gilli – you were a special girl who was loved dearly

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It is with a heavy heart that ISDF communicates this sad news of Gilli’s passing.

Gilli left this world on Thursday, July 14, 2016.  All who knew her are extremely saddened.  Gilli was a very special girl who left this world way too early young at just under 2 years old.  Gilli was born with a genetic kidney issue that led her to an early death, like her brother Sammie that passed away earlier this year.

Gilli lived with Ashley and Chester Johnson of Chicago, IL and was lucky to lived in a home with so much love.  Gilli was also lucky that she lived with her brother Frodo who still lives with Ashley and Chester.  Before Gilli left this world he was also reunited with her brother Brownie (now Snickers).  Although short, Gilli lived a happy and fulfilled life thanks to the Johnsons.

Snickers and Frodo will live on with the Johnson’s … in memory and tribute to their loving sister Gilli.

Ashley and Chester please know that Gilli is running free now and free of pain.  You will see her again some day.  Gilli died knowing she was loved and part of a family.  Thanks to you she got to experience that.  I know she will live on in your heart always.