ROXY …. needs our help!

ROXY …. needs our help!

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This beautiful ISDF girl is Roxy, she is a Jindo mix who was rescued from Jeju Island, South Korea. She and her siblings were some of the lucky few who managed to escape their destiny, the dog meat trade, unlike the other 2.5 million dogs that get sold and slaughtered every year. Roxy is an energetic, playful and extremely intelligent puppy who’s only wish is to play fetch and run freely, however she is not able to do that since she has been diagnosed with Severe Hip Dysplasia. She was diagnosed back in February 2018 and we have been treating it with hydro therapy and supplements so far. But because her HD is so severe on her right side the only option is to do a Total Hip Replacement and lots of physical therapy in the meantime. This surgery needs to happen as soon as she is done growing. She was done growing in the fall of 2018 and we went to see a specialist at Michigan State University who would be doing her surgery and he suggest we do it ASAP. Roxy LOVES hikes and longs nature walks but because of her HD she cant do that, our hikes and walks are getting shorter and shorter. Her condition is only getting worse, she has a hard time getting up,  and the biggest issue she is having is her legs givie out completely when she runs which results in tumbles and falls and a risk of further injuring herself. Our sweet babe needs this surgery and needs your help!

We are beyond grateful to all the people who helped Roxy on her journey to the United States, especially Dawn and The International Street Dog Foundation who do AMAZING work every day to get dogs off the cruel streets and into warm and loving furever homes. Unfortunately, this surgery is too expensive, and we cannot afford it on our own, please find it in your heart to help us, help Roxy live the life she deserves to live. Any donation helps, and if you are unable to donate please share Roxy’s story with your friends. 

Please donate to help Roxy get her much needed surgery.