CDC Update/Appeal

posted in: Uncategorized | 1

Yesterday we received the devastating news that affects the entire international rescue community. The CDC has banned the importation of dogs from 113 countries including Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Armenia, and Thailand starting July 14th for an entire year or even … Continued

ISDF Toy Launch – Fundraising Made Fun

posted in: General News | 0

ISDF is excited to launch our new dog toy line to assist with fundraising. We are currently raising funds to send dogs from Jordan, Colombia, Albania, and India to the US. Due to the flight restrictions their travel has been … Continued

Street Dogs are Starving

posted in: Education, General News | 0

The global pandemic has created crisis for humans and animals around the world. Street dogs are generally very territorial. This is largely because it is deemed a safe place as they know the dangerous and the resources. The resources tend … Continued

Training Guide – Potty Training

posted in: Education, General News | 0

House Training “How-To” Guide This is a step by step guide on how to properly house train your dog. If you have any questions about this training, please contact Rebecca Panzica by phone at (847)460-8725 or by e-mail at … Continued

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