Pictures Save Lives!

Pictures Save Lives!

posted in: General News | 10

ISDF is thrilled to announce our new Partnership with Amy Kazak, gifted photographer and owner of Amy Ann Photography. Amy came out and did a photo shoot of our current fosters last weekend. The dogs loved it and the pictures turned out amazing. Amy has a knack for capturing the dogs personality and letting their personality shine in the photos. Amy is generously donating her time because she loves dogs and wants to help them find loving homes.

It all starts with a photo. Potential adopters need to feel a connection to the dog and only through good pictures is that possible.

Amy will be coming out to photograph new arrivals going forward. Amy and I thought that it may be a good fundraising idea to do a photo shoot for adopters where we could meet at a local park and take professional photos of you and your dog. All proceeds would be donated to ISDF to help save more lives.

I think I speak for the entire ISDF family when I say Amy rocks! Featured in this photo is the very handsome Mr. Jinko.

If you are interested in participating in an upcoming photo shoot please comment on this article to let us know. Only if we have enough interested people will we schedule the event. The cost of the photo shoot and all digital images will be $100, all of which will be donated to ISDF.

10 Responses

  1. Ashley Roth

    Yes and yes!!

    • Thanks Ashley – Tux and Tad are going to make excellent subjects… :)) Will send out more details on event shortly.

  2. Shawn Hacker

    Hi, I heard of your event through Ashley Roth. I hope to be able to make it without knowing a date or location, but am interested! Thanks! Shawn

    • Thanks Shawn! We’d love to have you attend our event. I will be posting soon the date, place and other details.

  3. Britta Schoenborn-Olajos

    Hi! What a great idea! I would definitely be interested!

  4. Britta

    Just in case, since I don’t see my earlier reply: I’m interested as well! It’s a really great idea! (Thanks, Ashley, for making me aware of this!!)

    • Hi Britta,

      THANK YOU and I’m so happy you are interested. I will be sending out further details soon and I hope that you can join us!


  5. Angela

    Hi Dawn,

    Such a great idea! We would love to do this with Saachi, so count us in (if you do it)!

    -Angela and Jim

  6. Angela N

    Hi Dawn,

    We would love to do a photo shoot with Saachi! What a great idea, and hope you get enough interest to make it work. Thanks!! – Angela and Jim

    • Angela,

      That would be wonderful. Saachi would be a great model! I send more details soon including date and location. Hope to see you soon!
