Tragedy in Tunisia

Tragedy in Tunisia

posted in: General News | 1

So many people in Western Countries, including the US find it hard to imagine the horrifying circumstances that many dogs around the world face.  And quite honestly, I hear a lot “I prefer not to know because I can’t handle it”.  I understand that mentality and can even empathize with it, however for true wide-spread change awareness must occur and the truth must be told and “seen”.  When people ask me why I choose to dedicate my time and money to international rescues I could give them many reasons but quite simply my motivating drive is that they simply “NEED ME MORE”.  In so many countries around the world the dogs have little to no advocates and welfare groups to speak on their behalf and drive change.  This is the geneses of this article.  The dogs of Tunisia need their story told. This story is written and told by a Tunisian woman who is working on behalf of the street dogs in Tunisia.

You may wonder why poodles and other breed dogs end up in the streets unclaimed. There are countless so called breeders these are unlicensed people who take dogs and leave them either in the back garden or on the roof rain or shine with no medical care or proper food. They are used for breeding litter after litter then discarded. The puppies can be sold as young as one month old in the local horrific dog market (believe me it is one of the saddest thing you would have encountered, tiny sad, sick puppies and dogs cramped in cages) or sold openly in the streets. I myself bought 2 one month old poodles a few years ago. A man was standing at a roundabout in the peak of the summer heat holding up 2 tiny white fluffy things. I thought the man was selling stuffed toys. But when I drove closer they were little miserable one month old baby poodles.

It is very common that breed dogs are stolen from owner’s homes and the first place to look for the dogs is at this Sunday market.  Or the stolen dogs end up on the back garden or roof of these unscrupulous so called breeders.  Many locals buy very young dogs (the younger the better) to amuse their children and little fluffy poodles are much in demand. When the puppy starts growing up peeing or pooping then the dog ends up thrown in the streets (my friend rescued a Pekingese, while in a car park she saw a car stopping and throwing the Pekinese out from the window).

Discarded poodles rooming in the streets.

poodle_1          poodle_2



Poodle found in the street before and after being rescued.




Baby dogs found alone without a mother (probably shot by the police)


German shepherds, Labradors , Rottweilers and other big dogs are wanted as guard dogs (chained for life with a short chain that only allows the dog to sit and stand up , either with a chain , belt , wire or rope) with NO medical care , eating left over food , no human contact or love) at the back of the garden or roof.


Another horrible case of torture. This dog had a small rope around his neck as a baby but the rope was never loosened so the rope cut into the dogs throat

The rope used to chain the dog



Dog being hanged


Labrador chained on a wall of a house (please see the filthy bucket of water near him). There are also farm dogs that are used to guard the farm. They can be fed left overs if they end up with a good owner or not fed at all and left to eat rats or whatever they can find around.  The poor dog sometimes breaks loose and runs away. This is really the sad and sickening life and purpose of the majority of dogs here.


The streets are filled with miserable hungry strays that were born cute healthy puppies and ended up rooming endlessly in the streets in search of some meager food and scavenging in the garbage.

Sloughi found in horrible conditions in the street.


Many dogs are poisoned and tortured for the “fun” of it by locals. Local police officers often shoot the dogs. Sometimes the bullet isn’t fatal and the dog is left to die a slow and painful death on the streets.  Dog shot by the police.



This person was denounced by his neighbors as someone who likes to catch stray dogs and slashes their throat.


Dog fighting is rampant and small dogs are often fed to the fighting dogs and used for practice.

The horror of dog fighting that is a local activity that should be banned by law but is still practiced. The loosing dog is discarded in the streets when not able to fight anymore. My friend found a poor pit-bull tied up in the street in a rainy night bleeding and all shredded. She took him to the vet but sadly he died as his jugular was completed cut off.


In some parts of Tunisia eating dogs is common. The list goes on…. The hard break and unnecessary and barbaric practices continue. We need to let Tunisia know that the world is watching and it is NOT OK to treat animals like this. It is simply unacceptable.

This is Alaska, another sad case of abuse and suffering. Not only was she abandoned, but also the horrible person who did this attached a big stone to her neck and left her helpless on the street. She must have been in terrible pain for weeks if not months. The wire cut deep into her skin and the weight of the stone hanging from her neck made it really difficult for her to eat or drink. When she was found, she was only skin and bones, terribly dehydrated, covered in flies and fleas and she could not even stand up. Luckily, she was found by a kind person who rescued her from her terrible ordeal and took her to the vet for immediate medical treatment.


ISDF is currently working with Azza Malalk, a local rescuer to bring over a couple very deserving street dogs to find homes in the US as their chances are slim to none in their home country.

One Response

  1. Cyndi Pfeifer

    This is just what we have here in Houston – exactly. So glad that I found you Dawn and I can help you help these babies for ISDF.